
American AAGQ (An Jianqi) launched the industry's first ten-in-one compound NMN

Entering the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology, the rapid economic development, our living standards have reached an unprecedented level. Eat whatever you want, and wear whatever you want. We exclaim: we are living in a great time.

But economic development has also brought huge pressure on life. Layoffs and unemployment have become the most worrying problems for people. Therefore, constantly working overtime and overdrafting one's body has become a common problem of modern people.

So in order to reduce the pressure, we began to indulge ourselves to the fullest, surfing the Internet all night long, eating fish and meat all day and night, drinking and drinking without falling to the ground... Many people fell into another kind of madness.

As a result, various chronic diseases follow. At the same time, the number of sub-healthy people is also on the rise. Dizziness, headache, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, lack of concentration... These have become common phenomena for most people. How to solve these seemingly trivial, but critical health problems has become the focus of most people's attention.

Of course, to stay healthy, you must maintain good living habits: eat less junk food and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; do not smoke and drink less; maintain a positive and optimistic attitude; do aerobic exercise in moderation and ensure adequate sleep, Balanced diet. In fact, we also want to do this, but with the increasing pressure of work and the more serious environmental pollution, the time we want to have a good meal may be getting tighter and tighter. Fast food and fast food have become our favorites. Helpless choice. The dietary standard of the food pyramid stipulated by the Chinese Nutrition Association has become a dream in most people's lives.

Without a balanced diet, our consumption is getting bigger and bigger, the body is constantly overdrawn, and the nutrition cannot keep up. Only by supplementing a large number of nutritional health products can we fundamentally meet our needs. Let's take a look at the advantages of NMN.


NMN is the abbreviation of nicotinamide mononucleotide, which belongs to vitamin B derivatives, is an inherent substance in the human body, and is the precursor of coenzyme I (NAD+) in the human body. NAD+ is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is used as a coenzyme for thousands of enzymes in the human body. It participates in cellular respiration in cells and plays a vital role in energy metabolism, immune system, and material metabolism. This is also the ultimate reason why NMN works in the human body

Research shows that diet and metabolism are key regulators of longevity and represent a targeted intervention strategy to promote healthy ageing. Scientists have discovered that a protein called SIRT6 regulates aging, obesity and insulin sensitivity, but how it is regulated requires further elucidation to improve our attempts to maintain and maintain health during aging.

NAD+ has long been recognized as a cofactor for many different oxidoreductases in cells. More recently, NAD+ has many other roles due to its ability to act as a co-substrate for some very interesting and important classes of enzymes. One class of enzymes are sirtuins. Sirtuins use NAD+ as a co-substrate. This results in many post-translational modifications on the trimmed protein. A second class of enzymes that use NAD+ as a substrate is PARP. The prevailing view is that since elevated NAD+ enhances sirtuin and PARP activity, many potentially beneficial biological effects will be achieved. This is also the main reason for our health.



Which NMN to use to supplement NAD+ coenzyme is the best? It is recommended to use the first ten-in-one compound NMN in the American AAGQ (An Jianqi) industry. Product ingredients: NMN, black pepper extract, CPP, calcium citrate, PQQ, coenzyme Q10, quercetin, lycopene, multivitamins (including VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12, folic acid, zinc, selenium, VD3).

    NMN can effectively increase and restore the level of coenzyme I in the body, greatly delay aging and prevent various neuronal degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, and thereby fundamentally regulate and improve various symptoms of aging. Other studies have involved cancer, infertility, obesity, cerebral hemorrhage, heart failure, heart damage, vascular aging, acute kidney failure, diabetes, and more.

Coenzyme I (NAD+) is an indispensable coenzyme component for hundreds of enzyme proteins in the human body, and it dominates hundreds of life activities in the human body. NMN (β-nicotinamide mononucleotide) is the direct precursor of coenzyme I and an important intermediate product of human metabolism. The human body synthesizes a large amount of NMN every day, and then converts it into coenzyme I, which is essential for life activities.

The administration of casein phosphopeptide (CPP) can promote the absorption of calcium in the small intestine, which can increase the utilization of calcium by teeth and bones, which is very beneficial for osteogenesis and long teeth. It can complex calcium, iron, zinc ions, can protect these electrolyte ions from being precipitated by acidic substances such as phosphoric acid and oxalic acid in the gastrointestinal tract, and can promote the absorption and utilization of electrolytes

The role and efficacy of calcium citrate mainly have the functions of strengthening bones, reducing inflammation, analgesia, maintaining the normal excitability of neuromuscular, and also treating skin rashes caused by allergic diseases, and can be used to treat cramps caused by low calcium in pregnant women, etc. disease. It can treat osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, lumbar degenerative disease and other diseases caused by senile calcium deficiency.

As a necessary factor for human development, PQQ can stimulate the growth of human cells, especially activate human B cells and T cells, make them produce antibodies, and improve the immune function of the human body. PQQ is by far the most potent biologically active substance discovered by humans.

(1) Comprehensively improve the immune function of the human body

(2) Prevention and treatment of liver damage

(3) Reduce the damage of free radicals to the human body

(4) Conditioning various nervous system diseases

(5) Promote the absorption of amino acids

(6) Can promote the synthesis of growth factors

(7) Prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease

(8) Promote the synthesis of glutathione

(9) Strong anti-cancer function

Coenzyme Q10 is a kind of coenzyme. The specific effects are: 1. Protect the heart; 2. Improve cell vitality; 3. Taking Q10 can supplement the normal metabolism of human enzymes; , anti-cancer, anti-cancer and other important roles, also help the recovery of myocarditis cardiomyopathy.

Quercetin has the functions of relieving cough and asthma, reducing swelling and diuresis, clearing heat and detoxifying, and increasing immunity. It can be used to treat insomnia, forgetfulness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, palpitation, dreaminess, memory loss, sore waist, weakness of limbs, dry mouth, bitter taste, chronic bronchitis, etc. It can lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, lower cholesterol, enhance capillary resistance, and reduce waste and toxins in capillaries. Prevention of coronary arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia.

Lycopene is far more effective in scavenging free radicals than other carotenoids and vitamin E, and its rate constant for quenching singlet oxygen is 100 times that of vitamin E. It can effectively prevent various diseases caused by aging and weakened immunity.

Black pepper extract can nourish the stomach and eliminate stagnation, dispel wind, prevent gastrointestinal diseases, and detoxify. There are also multivitamins needed by the human body (including VB1, VB2, VB6, VB12, folic acid, zinc, selenium, VD3) to help middle-aged and elderly people, as well as high-intensity workers, mental workers, partial eclipses, and vegetarians. Balanced nutritional supplements.

To sum up, have you also realized that supplementing NMN is the best way to improve sub-health conditions?

When you are sick, you need to go to the doctor and take the medicine that the doctor prescribes to you. But when you are in a sub-health state, what you need to see is not a doctor, but a nutritionist. The nutritionist will match you with different nutritious foods according to your physical needs, and help you by changing your diet and supplementing nutritious foods. You recover from a sub-health state to a healthy state. AAGQ (An Jianqi) NMN is the best choice!
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